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Linda Harroch, Partner

Publié jeudi 15 octobre 2015

Linda Harroch, Head of Private Equity
Specialities :


  • Banking, Financial Services ;
  • Corporate, M&AInsolvency, Restructuring ;
  • Private Equity ;
  • Real Estate & Construction
Selected experience :

Linda Harroch has been active in the private equity and corporate practice for more than fifteen years and co-heads the very dynamic Private Equity department of Bonn Steichen & Partners.
She regularly advises major international companies, private equity firms and real estate funds on funds structuring and formation as well as on the structuring and financing of international buy-out transactions, joint ventures, corporate reorganisations, merger & acquisition as well as corporate governance matters including litigation between co-investors.
She recently acted for a leading private equity house in connection with the Euro 1.2 billion financing for its acquisition of the card systems and identity divisions of a French group.
Linda assisted in setting up a complex structure of several Luxembourg companies completing the acquisition, the financing of the overall structure and negotiating the security package. 
She advised one of the leading private equity houses in a high profile telecommunications’ business acquisition, which became the deal of the year 2011.