Retour au guide des formations LLM

European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) LLM


Le programme se déroulera dans différentes universités:
  • Le 1er semestre, les cours sont dispensés à l'université de Rotterdam, Hamburg et Bologne. 
  • Le 2d semestre, les étudiants étudient à l'Université de Ghent, Hambourg ou Bologne. 
  • Le 3em semestre les cours sont dispensés à Aix-en-Provence, Hambourg, Mumbai, Rotterdam, Vienne et Varsovie.  
Plus d'information sur le programme: ici


The academic year is divided into three terms:
  • In the first term, courses will be offered at the Universities of Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bologna. Classes generally start in the first week of October; exams finish in late December.
  • In the second term students will study at the Universities of Ghent, Hamburg or Bologna. Classes generally start in the first week of January; exams finish in late March.
  • In the third term there are more teaching centres and a lower average class size. Courses are offered in Aix-en-Provence, Haifa, Hamburg, Mumbai, Rotterdam, Vienna and Warsaw. Classes generally start in the first week of April; exams finish in late June.
For further information on this program: here


Pour plus d'information: ici

Admission requirements

For further information: here